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Article: A Flexible Solutions International Product Saves Water

Government has been playing a role in saving water and, now, so are companies like Flexible Solutions International.


flexible solutions international
Author: Mensah Alkebu-Lan

Table of Contents #

Introduction #

Water is essential for the preservation of life. It is a finite natural resource in a world with a growing population. In the United States, there are at least at least 40 states anticipating water shortages by 2024, and so it makes sense to be mindful of water consumption and not waste water.

Government Playing a Role in Promoting Conservation #

In countries like the United States, there are agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency encouraging people to be more water efficient. For example, families are encouraged to keep a pitcher of drinking water in the refrigerator as opposed to letting the faucet run until the water is cool.

There are many other things a family can do. Often, using a front-loading washing machine versus a top-loading one can reduce water usage, and try to run a full load when washing clothes. Also families are encouraged to identify and repair water leaks, since it is estimated, a family in the United States wastes 10,000 gallons of water every year due to household leaks. When doing everyday things like shaving or brushing your teeth, families can be mindful to turn off the water when they are not actively using it.

About Flexible Solutions International #

Flexible Solutions International is an environmental technology company that manufactures and markets specialty chemicals. It is involved in the research, development, and manufacturing of products that increase crop yield, improve oil and gas operations, reduce the environmental footprint in cleaning and water treatment, save water and save energy. Their subsidiary, NanoChem Solutions, Inc., develops, manufactures, and markets what is termed polyaspartate technology. This technology is a new generation of biodegradable polymers.

The company has both an energy and water conservation product segment. The energy conservation product segment consists of HeatSavr and the other segment consists of WaterSavr.

As its name suggests, Watersavr slows the evaporation of water. In it is a water conservation chemical that slows the evaporation process. There are a number of reasons why I think this could be found useful, even if you're just using it in your swimming pool.

water conservation

The Bottom Line #

With influences like these, a product like Watersavr has great potential. Looking through the eyes of an investor, I can definitely see myself eventually going for this stock. Especially if I can catch it for less than $3 a share. I've done pretty well with Canadian companies so far, so that helps the decision-making process. I'm not gonna say this is not a growth stock, but, in my mind, it's more of a blend of growth and value.